My projects

This section presents the different projects that I managed during labs for the university or during interships.

Interdisciplinary environmental project

During my M2, with the collaboration of 5 other students from different masters (geography, law, environnments and geology), we studied the possible implantation of a rain garden on the university of Strasbourg for a sustainable stormwater managment.

Mix-Up project, new plastic synthesis

During this internship in ICPEES, I worked on the synthesis of a new cross-linked plastic with a reversible reaction for these crosslinks. The internship was based on 3 steps. The first one is the synthesis of a hanging chain, the second is the physical properties of the new polyurethane. Finally, the last one is the study of the reversible reaction. Unfortunatly in 3 months, I could only work on the synthesis of the hanging chain.

Greener conditions for Suzuki's reaction

During M1 lab classes, I had to compare different condition reactions for two different boronic acids. The three variables were the solvent, the catalyst and the heating system. The aim was to search and highlight the benefit of using green conditions.

The use of microwaves for a greener chemistry

With the collaboration of Menghini Marco, we made a review on the use of microwaves in organic chemistry. First of all, we explained the physics and the avantages of the use of microwaves and then we gave examples on synthesis happening in water and others running with heterogenous catalysis.

Project on the use of HPLC and  GC

During M1 lab classes, several analytical technics were studied like NMR, MS or UV sprectroscopy. I had to present what has been done in HPLC and GC.

Synthesis of a molecular cage

During L3 inorganic lab classes, I had to synthesize cobalt diamsar complexe cage to highlight the use and advantages of template effect. Moreover, this cobalt (III) complex can have several good income thanks to the possibility of selective oxydative potential.

Synthesis of 2-3-4 triphenylbenzoic acid

During L3 organic lab classes, I had to synthesize 2-3-4 triphenylbenzoic acid. This molecule is the precursor of a ligand use for the stereoselective cyclopropanation of z-olefins by ethyl diazoacetate.The acid was synthesised following a three-step synthesis.

Retrosynthesis project

During 3rd year at EPFL, with the collaboration of three collegues, we had to present a retrosynthesis and  synthesis pathway for a complex molecule.

NMR report

For this L3 project, I had to use all different NMR spectra as HSQC, HMQC, C13 spectra... to find the structure of a molecule without any other information.

Fluorescence project

During L3 lab classes, several analytical technics were studied like NMR, voltamperometry or kinetics studies. I had to present what has been done in UV spectroscopy.

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