About me

My name is Pacôme Sompairac and I am a student in M2 Molecular Supramolecular and Green Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. Wishing to combine my passion for chemistry and my environmental awareness, I decided to pursue my studies in the green chemistry specialization of this program. I am particularly sensitive to plastic pollution, so it was natural for me to apply for a plastic recycling project in a research laboratory at the ICPEES. I am still hesitating over the choice to make for the next step in my career : either to enter the job market directly or to do a PhD. I would like to integrate a company during my M2 internship in the field of green chemistry in order to compare these experiences.

Of course, chemistry is an important part of my life, but it remains one element among many others. Indeed, I fill my life with many activities such as sports, associations or travel. You can find all the different activities that are part of my life below.

Sports and Hobbies

I have always enjoyed doing a lot of sports and I can easily adapt to any activity. However, I focused myself on two sports, badminton and climbing, which I practice regularly at least once a week. I am not a great competitor, I practice these sports and I improve at my own pace always wanting to do more and do better but without comparing myself to others. With this spirit, I'm also trecking in bivouacs. Once with friends, I have, for example, done the great crossing of the Alps from Leman's lake to Nice.

Being outside and close to nature is really important to me, one activity that brings me joy and fullfillment is to do ceramic. Feeling the to earth on my hands and expressing my creativity is really relaxing and soothing to me. I did a ceramic internship of one-week in the Desirade.  We made the clay that we used from local soil and built our own makeshift oven.


During my years at EPFL, I was part of different associations and touch different position. I was president and vice president of the section's coaching twice, for the CMS and for the chemist. The coaching is an association whose  aim is to welcome all first year students. We had to organize visits, revision sessions or parties. So I had to manag a team of 15-20 people.

Moreover, I was treasurer and catering responsible for the general coaching. The aim was to lead all coachings and organize events that were intended for every student. I had to learn how to make forecasts, manage a budget, organize parties and their progress, contact sponsors and negotiate with them, know the safety rules and make sure they were respected.

Finally, I was vice-president of Baramine, the travel association of the chemistry section. Indeed for one year, we had to raise funds to finance an educational trip. We were 16 students to go to Cuba with one professor. To finance this trip we had to be creative, find differents way to earn money. We sold sweatshirts, we organized parties of more than 500 people, we cooked for more than 100 people and ran several bars. We were able to finance the majority of the trip for everyone.


Thanks to the passion for sailing of my father's passion for sailing and my mother's passion for culture, I had the chance to travel a lot when I was younger. I could discover many countries and their culture and I loved it. Now, I am doing it by myself. Unfortunately, with the ecological consequences I limit these big travels around the world and do one really occasionally but with a fearless passion. For example, last year I was able to go to Cambodia where I could discover Khmer culture, the Anghkor temple and pepper farms .

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